Halloween Safety!

posted: by: Rachel, LVT Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

Halloween can be a great time for kids and pets but there are many things you should be aware of when it comes to the safety of your pets.

- Don't leave your pets out in the yard, the pranksters will be out!
- NO CANDY for pets. Chocolate has a natural ingredient that is toxic to animals. Also, the tin foil and wrappers can get caught in their digestive tracts.
- Xylitol is a sweetener used in many candies and is highly toxic to dogs and can be potentially fatal. Call your veterinarian if you see the following symptoms related to xylitol toxicity: vomiting, lethargy, difficulty standing/walking. Some dogs experience seizures or internal bleeding. As few as 2-3 sticks of xylitol-sweetened gum can be toxic to a 20 pound dog!
- Unless your dog truly loves costumes, don't dress them up. This can cause stress to the pet and make Halloween an unpleasant experience.
- If your dog enjoys getting dressed up, make sure the costume fits appropriately, is not constricting and is not obstructing their vision. It is a good idea to have your pet wear their costume a few times before Halloween to get them used to it.
-All but the most social dogs and cats should be kept in a separate room away from trick or treaters and strangers that could scare and confuse your pets.
-Be careful that your pets do not escape while the doors are open
-Walk dogs early that night before dark when scary things could be lurking about.
-Of course always have fun but remember to keep your pets safe and happy.